43-year-old Drew Miscovic was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of two. Ever since, his family has been determined to make sure that Drew had every opportunity to live a high quality, independent life.
After Drew graduated from Clarkston High School, the family began considering a variety of options for Drew to live independently.
“We looked at group homes, but we didn’t find any close by that met our preferences,” says Drew’s father, Dick Miscovic.
The family had then decided to build a home for Drew and other individuals with disabilities when they learned of another option from their priest.
The priest told them of a property that was available that was owned by a local businessman who had adopted two children with disabilities. After much thought and planning, the Miscovic’s, along with another family, formed an LLC and purchased the apartment complex which they named Drew’s Home of Clarkston. They renovated all the apartments and made them fully accessible for individuals with disabilities.
Drew’s Home of Clarkston has six first floor apartments that are dedicated for individuals with developmental disabilities and the upper-level apartments are rented out to the general public, creating an inclusive community. In addition to Drew, there are currently nine other individuals with disabilities residing at the complex.
“Being able to live in his own apartment has given Drew a sense of independence,” says Dick. “He calls it ‘the pad.’”
When the COVID 19 pandemic hit, Dick and his wife had to bring Drew back home with them. As all the vocational programs were closed during this time, Drew began a hobby of picking up bottles and cans and taking them to be recycled.
“We put an announcement in our church bulletin and the business just exploded,” says Dick.
They quickly raised over $5,000 in bottle and can deposits which was put into a special fund to pay for recreational and community activities for Drew and the other residents of the apartment complex. A shed on the complex was converted to a repository where community members drop off their bottles and cans and Drew takes them weekly to be recycled. The business has provided an important source of income for community inclusion activities for the guys who live there.
Drew is now back living in his apartment three days a week with hopes of hiring more staff to be able to live there full time again. His very full and active life also includes swimming three days a week, going to his vocational program at New Horizons, doing his bottle and can collection and enjoying a variety of fun activities in the community.
Looking towards the future, the non-profit Drew’s Home of Clarkston has plans to expand their work.
“We are looking to acquire a home for women,” says Dick, “as well as continue to develop other individual living options and quality social experiences for those with disabilities.”