Meet Juanita!

image of woman, Juanita, smiling and wearing a bright colored tank top

Easterseals MORC Helps Woman to Travel Around the World

Juanita loves to cook a variety of home cooked meals for her friends and family. When chicken or fish is on the menu, she uses a special homemade batter to wow her loved ones. In her free time, Juanita can be found relaxing, watching her movies or some of her favorite sitcoms, and getting ready for the next day.

“I first began receiving services with Easterseals MORC back in 2014,” Juanita said. "My recovery journey took a break for a few years as I wasn’t making my appointments.”

In late 2022, Juanita found Easterseals MORC again to help her with addiction challenges she was facing. Victoria Meyer, a case manager at Easterseals MORC, has been working with Juanita since she resumed case management and substance use services at Easterseals MORC.

“Since she resumed services, Juanita has gotten a sponsor, found stable housing and employment, and is currently working on getting a vehicle,” Meyer said. “Juanita has demonstrated hard work, grit and resiliency not only with her engagement with Easterseals MORC, but also to herself on her recovery journey.” image of woman, Juanita, smiling and wearing a bright colored tank top

Juanita said that since she has resumed services, she’s been more responsible, focused, and has been keeping her word in everything she does.

“Before I was sober and clean, I was only half there in my action,” Juanita said. “I recently started working at Amazon, and I have been loving my job. I frequently pick up shifts and I’ve noticed I’m now fully present in my work and personal actions.”

Juanita recently celebrated a significant milestone in her journey, being 17 months clean. To celebrate, she joined her family on her cousin’s birthday cruise to Royal Caribbean’s private island, Coco Cay in the Bahamas.

“The cruise was my first ever trip,” Juanita said. “It was so much fun. I didn’t want to leave! I enjoyed the pools, relaxing in the beautiful weather, and dancing on the ship!”

Juanita shared that planning has already begun with her family for their next cruising experience, this time to visit the Dominican Republic. 

“I’m excited to travel more with my family,” Juanita said. “My family has come back to me since getting clean. They’re excited for me to travel with them and be part of these memories. I’m excited to see more of the world!”

Juanita explained that she couldn’t be where she is today without the support of her friends, family, higher power, and Easterseals MORC.

“I just want to thank them,” Juanita said. “My daughters, Bianca especially for being there for me through it all. She’s my ride or die baby and I just want to thank her for sticking by my side and watching me transform. I wouldn’t be here without my higher power. My sisters, Sheri and Andraya, my mom, and Uncle VJ have been there and supported me since the beginning. Easterseals MORC helped me to turn my life around and they truly cared about me. Thank you all, we going to keep on doing this!”

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