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Kroger Plus Card

You can support Easterseals MORC every time you shop at Kroger! It's as easy as following these three steps:

1. Visit the Kroger Community Rewards website and create an account. 

2. If you already have a Kroger Plus Card, add it to your new Community Rewards account - you can link them by adding the serial number from the card, or by entering your phone number (and if you don't have a Plus Card, you can get one at the Customer Service desk at any Kroger store).

3. Choose EASTERSEALS MORC as your Community Rewards organization - you can search our name. Use Code FD177.

It's that easy! Once you're signed up, Kroger will donate money to EASTERSEALS MORC each time you make a purchase with your Plus Card. The more people who enroll and choose EASTERSEALS MORC, the more support Kroger will be able to provide, so sign up today, and tell your family and friends about the program!

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