For any child living with a disability or anyone who is a caretaker for a child with a disability, federally funded programs and disability services make all the difference in being able to provide effective care. In Alaska alone, about 6.22% of students have a learning disability. To provide support for an array of developmental disabilities, there are select programs that everyone needs to actively support.
The United States Department of Education provides grants for this program that focuses on the families of infants and toddlers with disabilities. It covers the 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Department of the Interior, and Outlying Areas. The funds are dedicated to assisting the implementation of statewide systems of coordinated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and interagency programs.
States are responsible for making sure that the appropriate early intervention services are available to all children from birth to age two who have disabilities and their families. Defining a disability can be tricky, but this program measures it as a child who is experiencing developmental delays in cognitive development, physical development, communication development, adaptive development, or social or emotional development. These delays must be measured with the appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures. Children who have been diagnosed with a physical or mental condition that has a high chance of resulting in one of these delays are also eligible.
This program focuses on children who have just aged out of the first program and focuses on their first introduction to education. This program provides formula grants to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to ensure that special education and related services, such as autism services, are available for children with disabilities aged three to five. If a state does not make a free appropriate public education available to children in this age range, it cannot receive funds under this program.
As per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a child living with a disability needs to be educated with other children who do not have disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. A child living with a disability should only be removed from an integrated classroom when the nature of the child's disability doesn't allow for a satisfactory education.
Giving assistance to children with disabilities early on is essential to them living full and successful lives. Support these programs by expressing your favor for them and they'll continue to benefit children across the country who are living with disabilities.