Child Care Provider Professional Development
Newborn Intensive Care
Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenleee, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz CountiesCommunity nursing services are provided to facilitate the transition of the child and the family from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to their home and community. Periodic monitoring of the child's medical and developmental needs identifies infants who would benefit from referral to other early intervention programs. Through these home visits, the family receives support and educatio as well as referral to appropriate community resources.
AZ STEPS: Arizona Statewide Training & Technical Assistance For Expulsion Prevention Support
Cochise County (520) 452-9784 Graham & Greenlee Counties (928) 348-8828Pima County (520) 207-7310Mental health professionals provide community-based training around the needs of vulnerable children at-risk for expulsion from their childcare center.
Community of Practice
Pima County (520) 207-7310
High quality professional development for child care providers utilizing the Partnerships for Inclusion Curriculum and the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) Infant-Toddler Curriculum. Participants are expected to participate in training, on-site coaching, and mentoring opportunities. Community workshops are also available.
Smart Support
Cochise County (520) 452-9784 Graham & Greenlee Counties (928) 348-8828Pinal County (520) 723-4429Pima County (520) 207-7310Mental Health Consultation for child care providers to address the social-emotional needs of children and to build staff capacity.
Quality First
Cochise & Santa Cruz Counties (520) 452-9784 Pima County (520) 207-7310Quality Improvement program for child care providers. Services include coaching consultation, quality improvement planning and financial incentives.
Early Care & Education Inclusion Plus (ECEI+)
Yuma County (928)248-5112Offers early child care and education centers training and coaching to improve and maintain family-centered and quality inclusive programs for children. Services include assessment, goal planning, site visits, training, and skill building through targeted coaching assistance.