Most exercise programs are written for people who do not have physical limitations. Yet everybody benefits from exercise, and it is adults who have a loss of mobility and/or functional capacity who are at a greater risk for hospitalization or long-term care. Wouldn’t they benefit the MOST from an exercise program?
Research shows that individuals with cognitive and functional impairments and chronic medical conditions have the same need for physical activity as others without.
Research shows that all adults, regardless of age or physical capability, should participate in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, or approximately 30 minutes a day for 5 days, to reap the health benefits of regular exercise.
Ask your local Easterseals about the Refresh! exercise program and their wellness programs.
Learn the facts about quitting smoking.
Benefits of exercise, including for people who are elderly, have disabilities or physical limitations (depending on type of exercise program and health of each individual):