Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is designed to specifically treat “learned non-use” of the affected side due to stroke, cerebral palsy, or brachial plexus injuries. CIMT involves using a cast to constrain the less affected arm while providing opportunities for intensive practice of gross and fine motor skills of the involved arm.  The intensive therapy focuses on promoting increased sensory awareness of the involved side and increasing strength and movement of the arm/hand with functional goals of increasing use of the arm/hand during daily living tasks.   

Our program consists of 3 weeks of constraint therapy followed by 1 week of bimanual therapy (3 times per week). A cast will be made before the program, and a videotaped pre-test will be completed. It is essential that the constraint cast be worn at home so that the child uses the cast approximately 3 hours per day for the maximum benefit of the program. Home program activities will be provided during this time, and the cast can also be worn during unstructured daily activities.  

Date and Time

Summer programs coming soon!

Please note:

An Occupational Therapy prescription is required. An appointment for making your child's constraint cast and completing pre-testing is also required before the first day of this program. 

How Do I Get Started?

Contact us at or Brenda Delgado at 847.742.3264 to ask questions and register for any of our programs.

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