DIR Floortime Intensive

For children with autism spectrum disorders, often an intensive burst of therapy is found to be effective in developing foundational skills.  We now offer an intensive therapy plan that includes DIR (Developmental Individualized Relationship) based treatments or floortime techniques. 

For children ages 2 - 8 years old, the therapies will use a developmental, play-based approach to enhance regulation, social emotional development, play and engagement. After a thorough assessment of your child’s individual profile is completed, the therapy plan may include occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and social work services depending on the individual's needs.

How Does DIR work?

DIR honors a child’s specific interests and intentions, and to the casual observer, DIR looks a lot like play. We understand that play is the avenue for learning and its how children learn small and huge concepts. Since play is fun for a child, they’re more likely to engage with and enjoy play-based therapy.

As children grow along the social-emotional developmental scale, they build skills to help maintain and build warm and trusting attachments, initiate communication and eventually learn problem-solving skills. The therapy changes as a child develops, and with DIR, the parent is always an integral part of that. Click here to learn more.

How Do I Get Started?

Contact us at jmoses@eastersealsdfvr.org or 630.357.9699 to discuss an individualized DIR Floortime intensive program. 

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