Physical Therapy Intensive

Many caregivers schedule an intensive therapy for their child when they are on the verge of a new skill, and need strengthening and repetitive practice to attain this skill. An intensive therapy session can help the child and team of caregivers focus on one particular goal that the child is motivated to attain. Intensives can also help with post-operative strengthening and learning new motor patterns within one year of orthopedic surgery.

In our experience, criteria that result in the most progress made in an intensive therapy program include:

  • Ability to commit to full attendance for 2-hour therapy sessions, 3 times per week for 5 weeks
  • Physical and emotional endurance to work through 2 consecutive hours of therapy
  • Cognitive ability to make choices for preferred activities and follow basic directions
  • Motivation to move and play

How Do I Get Started?

Please contact Jenni Moses, Intake Coordinator, at or at 630.357.9699 to discuss an individualized PT intensive program. To learn more about our physical therapy services, click here.

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