Brain & Body Builders

Focused therapy programs are intended to allow children to address their therapeutic needs and goals amongst peers working on similar goals. This PT/OT program utilizes treadmill training based on TAAP (Treadmill Training for Autism and Apraxia Protocol), combined with motor skills. In the same way that exercise shapes the muscles, heart, lungs and bones, it also strengthens key areas of the brain involved in attention, memory, and learning. We know aerobic exercise fuels the brain with oxygen. Evidence from imaging sources, anatomical studies, and clinical data also shows that moderate exercise enhances cognitive processing, increases the number of brain cells, and as a bonus, can reduce childhood obesity. Adding a skill or complex activity strengthens and expands the brain’s networks. The more complex the movements, the more complex the synaptic connections! 

This program, led by physical and occupational therapists, will employ treadmill training (aerobic exercise) using novel movement sequences to target improving postural strength and visual-motor skills for carryover to improving self-organization, attention, coordination, and gait. TAAP protocols on the treadmill will be followed by complex motor skill activities.  These activities are intended to address a variety of movement and bilateral coordination skills, all while having fun.

Children Who Will Benefit:

Ambulatory children who present with difficulties in attention, visual motor coordination, bilateral coordination, and/or gait fluidity can all benefit from this program. Children should enjoy working in an environment with other children participating and must be able to separate from caregivers. 


  • Improve walking pattern efficiency and fluidity  
  • Improve visual motor coordination for improved participation in school and/or recreational class settings 
  • Improve bilateral coordination skills 
  • Improve general fitness, endurance and strength 
  • Provide opportunities for social interaction, turn-taking and fun 

Days and Times

Thursdays 4:15pm-5:15pm

How Do I Get Started?

Contact us at or Brenda Delgado at 847.742.3264 ext. 2280 to ask questions and register for any of our programs.

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