In a lot of ways, Leah is like any other child. She has favorite toys, is eager to explore new things and is a bundle of joyful, rambunctious energy. Unlike most children, she was born with Joubert Syndrome, a rare condition characterized by underdevelopment of the cerebellum, low muscle tone and delayed development and speech.
Leah began receiving our early intervention services just after her first birthday and meets with her therapists four days a week. Such intense intervention means a lot of hard work for Leah, but her joyful resiliency through it all has infused her parents with great optimism for her future - that Leah will one day walk, talk, run and play sports.
At the start of therapy, her parents could not imagine her walking before the age of two or three years. At 20 months old, the family was shopping for gait trainers to help her begin walking. Her parents are incredibly pleased with the rate of development Leah has shown since starting physical therapy. Every week there is progress and they continue to set new milestones for her development. As her mother puts it, “we were thrown a curve ball in life, but I think we are knocking it out of the park.” At Easterseals, we couldn’t agree more. Through our early intervention program, Leah is receiving the therapeutic support she needs to reach her fullest potential and her parents are receiving the support they need to make it happen.