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Join us in commemorating the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act by putting disability in focus! At 6 p.m. CST on July 20, we’ll explore how disability intersects all aspects of identity and culture.
We’ll discuss the progress that’s been made in the disability pride movement and how everyone can contribute to the work ahead. We’ll chat about how parents might best help their children address disability issues, how people with disabilities can and should advocate for themselves to show pride, and how people without disabilities can be vital allies. Our panelists invite you to share your thoughts about the face of disability today.
Hashtag: #DisabilityInFocus
Hosts: Easterseals (@easter_seals) & Easterseals Thrive (@ability2thrive)
Date & Time: July 20th at 6 p.m. CST (what is this in my time zone?)
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Note that we may not get to all of these questions during the chat.
Co-Host: Erin Hawley is the Digital Content Producer for Easterseals Thrive, a site for young women with disabilities that provides mentorship and encourages self-empowerment through online communities.
Ellen Seidman is mom to one toddler, one teen with cerebral palsy, and one tween with an attitude. She writes Love That Max, an award-winning blog for parents of kids with special needs who kick butt. Ellen’s also a web content consultant, magazine editor and writer, and professional snacker. Find her on Twitter, Facebook and her website.
Mike Mort is a blogger, intersectional activist and artist living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is passionate about social justice, educating people about disability, and ending all forms of oppression.
Samantha Craft (aka Marcelle Ciampi) is the mother of three boys, one adult son who is on the autism spectrum. She is the lead job recruiter for ULTRA Testing, an autism educator, the author of the blog and book Everyday Aspergers, Selection Committee Chair at the ANCA World Autism Festival and is active in autism groups locally and globally.
Sandy Ho is a board member of Easterseals Massachusetts and organized the Disability & Intersectionality Summit. She is a disability activist, and Disability Studies educator. She is one of the founder's of Easterseals Thrive.
Vilissa Thompson is a disability rights consultant, writer, advocate and founder of Ramp Your Voice.
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