Webinar Series: Financial and Housing Guidance with CreditSmart

We partnered with Freddie Mac to teach people with disabilities and their families how to build and maintain better credit, and prepare for successful long-term homeownership. Together, we host webinars that provide:

  • Important information about credit and money management and how to avoid financial traps.
  • Insight into how lenders assess credit histories.
  • How credit plays a profound role in achieving your financial goal of buying a home and ensuring successful long-term homeownership.

Latest resource:  Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back? [Facebook Live]
We chatted with Freddie Mac about some ‘money mindset’ myths, and how people with disabilities, veterans, caregivers and their families can lay a solid foundation in order to grow their wealth.



Download the slides from these presentations, including speaker notes.

Review the webinar and slides from 2017 for more helpful financial information.

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