Here at Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern CT, we believe in employment for all! Erica Propis was referred to our Easterseals from BRS (Bureau of Rehabilitation Services) to assist her in achieving her dream of procuring a job as a Veterinary Assistant.
We arranged for a Competitive Placement Opportunity with Connecticut Veterinary Center in West Hartford. The purpose of this experience was to give the potential employer a preview of Erica and allow them both to see if this work environment would be a good fit. While Erica was extremely enthusiastic and engaged with her job, she had difficulty controlling her excitement when handling dogs-- which is a significant part of the vet tech position. Various strategies and interventions to attempt to mitigate this barrier to competitive employment were used, but to no avail.
Often, this would lead to an unsuccessful Competitive Placement. However, the open-minded and caring people at Connecticut Veterinary Center recognized that even though this aspect of the job was challenging for Erica, she had many strengths and abilities. Working together with Easterseals, they created a new job for Erica that both focused on her unique strengths and abilities and filled specific needs of their business. As a result, Erica was hired as an Administrative Tech Assistant. In this capacity, she handles various office tasks and can engage periodically with dogs and work in an environment that she finds meaningful.
Community partnerships like this are what drive Easterseals’ mission and help create communities in which people of all abilities are afforded full inclusion and equal opportunity.