With services from the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center, individuals reach their own personal goals for independence at home, work, school, and in all aspects of community life.
Learn MoreAt the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center in Evansville, IN, we're working to make profound, positive differences in the lives of local people every day, and to change the way our community defines and views disability.
Have you received a welcome letter? Are you a current client? Please click here to access our Client Dashboard. (If you receive an error message, please refresh the page.)
Easterseals Rehabilitation Center
3701 Bellemeade Ave.
Evansville, IN 47714
Phone: 812-479-1411
Tune in 5am-7pm on ABC 25/CW 7 to see stories about the Easterseals mission, meet this year's local Ambassadors, give during matching donation opportunities, and more! Stop by the E'ville Iron Cruise-In in the Easterseals Rehab Center parking lot Friday afternoon. Follow the Easterseals Rehab Center and Eyewitness News on social media for extra content throughout the day!
Communication challenges can be a major obstacle to reaching goals at home, at school, on the job, and in our community. The Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) program enables local individuals with complex communication needs to achieve their dreams!
Read MoreImproving lives, encouraging independence, creating family - that's what the local Easterseals Group Home program is all about! Learn about openings for new residents and the benefits of supervised group living.
Read MoreAn inclusive learning environment benefits kids of ALL abilities. Find out more about the Easterseals Early Learning Center, home of Evansville's ONLY fully inclusive early childhood care and education programs.
Read MoreYour donation to the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center STAYS LOCAL! When you give at this link, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE for children, adults, and families from our own Evansville/Tri-State area.