Zoey is ready for her next adventure - kindergarten!

Zoey smiling with red hair

When Zoey was 3 years old, she was speaking less than 20 words. She was also behind other kids her age in skills like drawing and cutting. Zoey struggled to communicate and accomplish things on her own, and her frustration led to behavior issues. Fortunately Zoey’s parents, Bria and Mike, found the inclusive Easterseals Early Learning Center in Evansville. It’s a special place where children of differing abilities play, grow, and learn together!
From the start, Zoey loved the Early Learning Center. “I attribute this to a staff that has treated her wonderfully from day one,” said Bria, and Mike agreed. He said, “They have been nothing but spectacular at helping her progress.” A fun and challenging curriculum, combined with speech, occupational and behavioral therapy—all provided in a nurturing environment—helped Zoey thrive.
Now at age 5, Zoey uses hundreds of words and clearly communicates, speaking in full sentences. Her fine motor skills have improved dramatically, too. Zoey has achieved so many milestones! Zoey’s teacher says she is fun loving and inquisitive and doesn’t give up when faced with a challenge. She’s also a leader in the classroom and is very considerate and caring. “We feel this inclusive environment will lead to Zoey and others being much better people later in life,” said Bria. “Exposure to a wide range of children with a wide range of abilities lets her see that everyone can receive compassion and care.”
Now Zoey is ready for her next big adventure! She graduates from the Easterseals Early Learning Center in July and starts kindergarten in August! “We could not be prouder of our little girl,” Mike said. “We know she will continue to progress and grow, but we would not be here without the great teachers and staff of the Early Learning Center.” Bria said, “When you are looking for a location where you know they will care for your child as if they are their own—this is that place.”
Thanks to generous supporters, exceptional staff, and dedicated families, Easterseals empowers local kids like Zoey to achieve their greatest potential—in school and in life!

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