Mireille Elsy was born 4 weeks early on January 9, 2020 via C section. She weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces. She spent a total of 70 days in the NICU. Mireille was evaluated by a PT, OT, SLP, DT, and Nutritionist via teletherapy services on June 18, 2020 at the age of 5 months. She qualified for all services. During the evaluation, Mireille was only able to tolerate laying on her back on the floor where she would immediately roll to her right or in her bouncy chair. She held her head tilted to her right and could not hold it in the middle without help. She could not turn her head to her left and her left arm was held tightly to her chest. Mom said that she never used it. She could lift her R leg up to her right hand but neglected to explore movement with her left leg. She could only tolerate tummy time on a therapy ball. Never on the floor.
Mireille started PT services via teletherapy on June 29, 2020. As of this day, she has had 3 PT sessions and she has made tremendous progress! Mireille can and routinely does hold her head in the middle. She now turns her head fully to her left and uses her left arm to play with toys, hold her bottle, and reach for her feet. She is lifting her left leg almost equally to her right leg. When lying on her back she now rolls to her right and her left. She can do tummy time on the floor and props on both elbows because she has learned to use her left arm as well as her right! She has improved so much in 3 weeks that mom said she is like a whole new baby. Mom now feels comfortable putting Mireille in different positions and she has started working on sitting! Mireille and her mom had no previous therapy experience. Their first experience with therapy of any type has been with teletherapy and it has proven to be very successful for them.