Thank You...

Your passion, belief, and support of our mission made possible the growth and progress featured in this year’s report. Our vision of a kind and inclusive world where people with disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play is imaginable thanks to your partnership.

$25,000 & Above

Anonymous Parent Y
Ladd & Tammy Lavallee
Dawn & Robert Seiple ◊Y

$10,000 - $24,999

Roy & Diane Brazelton
Paul Lavallee
Walter S. Skrobot Jr.

$5,000 - $9,999

Joe Bellil & Linda Long-Bellil ◊
Collin Bray ◊
Patricia Davidson
William Malone
Paul & Jennifer Medeiros ◊
Jay White
The Zagrobski Family Y

$2,500 - $4,999

Alison Coady ◊
Stephen Connulty
Sean & Sue Flanagan
Spencer Fortwengler
John & Linda Freeman
Kirk & Sheila Joslin
Kenneth & Carrie Larson ◊
Susan Mitchell
Thomas O'Reilly
Owen Richardson
David Rubin
Anne Schofield Y
John & Debbie Stevens ◊
Peter & Nicole Wiemeyer ◊

 $1,000 - $2,499

Charlie Alexander Y
William Beckeman
Marilyn Belletti
Ann Burke
Burns and Moskos Family Charitable Fund
John & Jean Childs
James & Nancy Coghlin
Ron Cort Y
Jim & Kim Dennison ◊Y
Raymond & Paula Doherty
Kevin & Cyndi Forcier ◊Y
Ivor & Barbara Freeman
James & Teresa Friesema ◊
Avery Gray ◊
Scott & Rebecca Gregory ◊
Gloria Guerrera
David & Kathleen Hoffman
Ed & Paula Ivaldi Y
Richard & Tracy Joslin
Chris & Kathy Kittle ◊
James Knowles
Branch & Elizabeth Lane
Nicole Lavallee
Leslie Leslie ◊
Susan Magee
Kevin Marshall Y
Kathleen McDermott
Paula McDonald ◊
Elizabeth Merrill ◊
Justin & Adele Morreale
Andrew & Suzanne Murray
Deborah Nurre
Albert O'Neal III Y
William Oncay
Joseph Rabbitt
Dave & Lorelei Randa ◊Y
Cesar Rodrigues
Peter Roque
Daniel & Anne Sacco
Kimberly Sokol ◊
Christine Thomas
Stephen & Maryjane Walsh
Scott & Susan Whitlock
Nafisa Zafar ◊
Walter & Rose Zydlewski

◊ Signifies Empowerment Team Member              Y Signifies Restoring Excellence Campaign Contributor

We are so grateful and appreciative of every contribution given in support of our shared mission and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our recognition listings. Please notify us of any inaccuracies and omissions by emailing us at