Caitlyn and her Walk team
Caitlyn was born with cerebral palsy that prevents her from speaking, walking or controlling her hands.
When she was a child, Easter Seals Technology Specialist Jeff McAuslin began working with Caitlyn to find ways to bridge the gap between her disability and her capacity to learn and express herself.
Jeff trained Caitlyn to control her computer with a head-mouse – an infrared dot placed between her eyes that she used by pointing her head at the computer screen.
Caitlyn’s first big success came with a spelling activity that Jeff developed especially for her. It was like knocking down a wall for Caitlyn. Her real self came tumbling out.
The progress she has made in school since then is nothing short of amazing. Now 21 and a student at Auburn High School, Caitlyn loves school and loves being with her friends. She uses her computer, now with voice output, in class and for homework. At home she also uses it for a couple of other things she loves – shopping and watching TV.
To thank Easter Seals, Caitlyn and her family have become Easter Seals ambassadors and active fundraisers.They organize a team every year in Easter Seals Walk With Me, and Caitlyn has scooped ice cream at the Friendly’s Ice Cream Scoop Off in Worcester.
Easter Seals Assistive Technology has not only expanded Caitlyn’s independence, it has expanded her possibilities for the future.
The services Caitlyn receives were made possible through a partnership with the Auburn Public Schools