Timothy V | Assitive Technology Device Loan

Image of fingers typing on HIMS braille note taker

"This program places people with visual impairments on an equal playing field with sighted family members and friends."

In August of 2018, the Braille Notetaker which I use daily in my job as a call center trainer at a utility company was not working properly. I called a friend, and learned of the Assistive Technology Regional Center - Boston operated by Easterseals. I researched the program online, and contacted Catherine Bly to register. I explained my needs to Catherine, and we decided that borrowing the Braille Sense U2 would be a great solution as I began the arduous process of deciding which Notetaker to purchase.

I traveled to the Easterseals Boston office, and the administrative assistant efficiently located the Braille Sense for me. By using the Braille manuals and speaking with friends, I learned to utilize the Braille Sense, and was able to begin using it at work within a week of having the product. I am impressed by the plethora of tools within the Braille Sense, and quickly decided this product would be beneficial to own.

I am extremely grateful the Assistive Technology Regional Center-Boston program is available for residents of the commonwealth. Prior to learning of the program, I found it nearly impossible to test an assistive product before purchasing it. This program places people with visual impairments on an equal playing field with sighted family members and friends. Thanks to MassMATCH & Easterseals, a visually impaired person can test a Notetaker just as a sighted person can test a laptop in a store.

I hope the adaptive technology loan program continues to grow in popularity, and is utilized by anyone in need of an adaptive product. You can be assured I will describe the program to friends, and will return when I am considering future pieces of adaptive equipment.

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