Employability Development Services
When the plan leading to employment includes further services, including Facility Based Work Adjustment Services, Community Work Adjustment Services or Job Placement Services.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Provides the guidance necessary to enable in-school students with disabilities (ages 14 to 22) and/or out-of-school youth with disabilities (ages 14 to 24) to make sound vocational choices, improve self-esteem, become employment focused and set career and placement goals. These services include Job Exploration, Pre-Employment Skills Training, Self-Advocacy Training and Work Based Learning.
Work Adjustment Training
For people who have never worked or have not worked in a long time and may not have the basic work habits necessary for successful work, nor the skills to get and keep a job. These programs include classroom training, individual guidance and paid work experience.
Facility-Based Work Adjustment Training
The primary goal of Facility Work Adjustment Training (FWAT) is to assist people with disabilities in the development of appropriate work skills and behaviors necessary for securing and maintaining employment.
The program emphasizes 11 Basic Work Habits such as attendance, punctuality, grooming/hugiene, work quality, work pace, supervisor and co-worker relations, safety, etc. Trainees must be 16 year of age or older, have a medically determined disability, possess basic self help skills and present no danger to themselves or others.
Trainees are provided real work experience through a variety of contracts with local busineses and best of all, in their opinion, they get a paycheck.
Community Work Adjustment Training
Community Work Adjustment Training (CWAT) is a training program designed to assist people with disabilities in the development of work skills and behaviors utilizing actual job sites in their own communities. While in training, Easter Seals Middle Georgia pays their wages and Workers Compensation. The ultimate goal is for each individual to be hired at the end of their training period by the community site at which they were placed.
Job Placement Services
Job Placement Services are focused on finding the trained worker a job that utilizes his or her newly developed skills.