Stories of Hope
Act of Kindness Leads to Inspiring Reunion
Retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Kimberly Mitchell was reunited with the former Vietnamese Marine 2nd Lt. who rescued her from the Vietnam streets 40 years ago. Mitchell now serves by helping veterans and military families in her role as president of Dixon Center at Easter Seals.
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Alex and Avery premature twins.
Alex and Avery are identical twins that were born on November 22, 2014. They were premature and
had several problems at birth.
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Is Your Child Under Age 5? Take the Developmental Milestones Screening
Children develop skills, or "milestones," at their own pace. How is your child or grandchild doing? You only need 10-20 minutes to check with the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® online screening. Your results will help you see if your child's developmental progress is on time and alert you to any concerns that you can talk over with your health care provider.
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Join us at the Rodeo!
Professional Rodeo comes to town in the fall
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Our Autism Services
Easter Seals programs across the country provide a wide variety of interventions that help individuals of all abilities, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Easter Seals currently has a combination of services specifically targeting individuals with the diagnosis of ASD as well as other services that include individuals with ASD among their service recipients.
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Our Miltary & Veterans Services
As the largest provider of disability-related services, Easter Seals offers military and veterans systems of care with viable options to support and augment current reintegration efforts.
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Surpassing goals!
Our journey began as soon as Gunnar began baby babbling. Gunnar was a very lovable, happy, and very outgoing from the very beginning. As a Mom, you just know when something is not quite right. Gunnar is now 9 years old and is in fourth grade. He is in a regular education classroom, and making very good grades. He has surpassed goals I never thought he would meet!
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Take a Step in Making a Difference in Your Community
Easter Seals Walk With Me is an event to raise awareness and support for families living with disabilities! Join hundreds of passionate people in your community for a day full of entertainment, fun and, of course, our signature walk! Every walk event is different -- your walk could be at a local school or at the aquarium. But every walk is a lifeline of funds that enables your local Easter Seals to continue providing vital services and support to people with disabilities and their families.
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Working with Legislators
Working with our State Legislators!
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Working Wonders Award Winner
LaSean’s focus doesn’t seem to be on the little things that he can’t do, but on the big things that he can. His attitude, personality and demeanor appear to be that of a very humble man who rolled with the punches that life dealt him. He simply does not stop trying. The simple privilege of being able to work is one that many of us take lightly, but not LaSean.
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