Adult Services

Easterseals is the leading nonprofit provider of services for individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and other special needs. For more than 100 years, we have been offering help and hope to children and adults living with disabilities, and to the families who love them. Through therapy, training, education and support services, Easterseals creates life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play.

We offer the following services for adults:

Community Living

Our team works with each invidual and family to determine the best option for services, whether that means coming into your family home or moving your loved one to a home of his or her own. Assistance is provided in choosing a location for a home based on several factors, such as the desire to live near family, work or other activities. Either way, the Easterseals Midwest’s team ensures a smooth transition for your loved one and your family. We customize services to meet each individual’s need for support, ranging from just a few hours each month up to 24/7 support.

Community Services

For individuals 18 and older, we offer daytime skill and development services and supports Monday through Friday. We focus on developing independence, social skills, and self-advocacy with the purpose of moving program participants towards community employment or volunteerism.


Easterseals Midwest provides an individualized approach to developing the skills, confidence, and real-world experience necessary to find and keep a job. With a variety of programs and services to choose from, we prepare each individual and their family for a successful workplace experience

Individual Engagement and Self-Determination

In partnership with the Productive Living Board, Easterseals offers courses to empower people with disabilities to be a personal advocate for themselves and others within the disability community. A person with a disability teaches each course, so that instructors and participants can share a unique connection and open up communication through shared life experiences.

To learn more about our programs at Easterseals Midwest,
please contact us at 1-800-200-2119 or

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