For Local Employers
Easter Seals North Texas helps local employers match their job openings with quality candidates, at no cost to the employer. Job seekers presented to you by Easter Seals North Texas are prescreened, prepared for employment and eager to work in our community. Local employers who hire our qualified candidates will receive customized disability awareness training, full support during the lifetime of the job placement and information and assistance with the tax deductions available for companies hiring people with disabilities in North Texas.
As an employer you will receive:
- Customized disability awareness training
- Full support during the lifetime of our client’s job placement
- Assistance with the tax deductions available for companies hiring people with disabilities and special needs
By working with you as an employer, we are able to help job seekers, while fulfilling your company’s needs and helping our North Texas economy.
Meet Cole. Not only did we find him a job that he loves, but he inspires his co-workers daily.
Get Started!
Your next quality employee awaits you at Easter Seals North Texas. Together we can make a significant impact on our local economy. For more information, please contact Crystal Spoons, Employment Services Program Director, at 817-759-7958 or cspoons@ntx.easterseals.com.
Veterns Employment Services
If you are an employer seeking to hire veterans, please contact our Veterans Employment Navigator, Yolonde Rocio, at 817-759-7915 or yrocio@ntx.easterseals.com.
This program is partially funded through Texas Workforce Commission - Vocational Rehabilitation Services.