For Job Seekers
Are you 18 years or older, have a disability and are seeking work? Then you have come to the right place.
Easter Seals North Texas Employment Services match skills and interests of people with disabilities with their best opportunities for success in the workplace. Through exceptional relationships with local employers and by providing focused, personal support and long-term follow-up for the employees, Easter Seals North Texas can help individuals with disabilities become successful members of the working world.
We provide the following:
- Person centered planning
- Employment readiness (resume instruction, interview and job-search training, etc.)
- Supported employment
- Job development and job placement
- Job coaching and ongoing follow up
- Retention and advancement services
Job Club
Job Club offers an opportunity for job seekers with disabilities to gain valuable insight about the job search process from the experts at Easter Seals North Texas.
- Meets at our Fort Worth Center, weekly on Tuesday from 10-11 am
- Receive job leads from our experts
- Network with other job seekers
- Discussions about topics related to the job search, interview skills and how to maintain a job
- Learn how to utilize communitybased employment services
For more information or to attend Job Club, call 817-759-7967 or email jobclub@ntx.easterseals.com
Ticket to Success (Ticket to Work Program)
If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and are interested in returning to work, we can help. Under the Ticket Program, the Social Security Administration provides disability beneficiaries with a “Ticket” that may be used to obtain needed employment services from organizations called Employment Networks (ENs). Easter Seals North Texas is a member of the Employment Network and can help ticket holders identify and secure competitive employment. By partnering with Easter Seals North Texas, you will receive assistance and support throughout your job search and retention process.
Supported Employment
Easter Seals North Texas provides supported employment services as a provider for the Texas Workforce Commission, Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS). This method is a one-on-one approach to job placement where our highly trained employment consultants work individually with each job seeker and acts as their advocate to the business community. If you do not receive assistance via DARS or DBS, Easter Seals North Texas may be able to assist you on a fee-for-service basis.
Job Placement
Easter Seals North Texas can also assist individuals with disabilities who are more able to participate in their own job search. Our Job Placement service clients receive resume instruction, interview and job search training and job leads. Our staff develops business relationships in order to assist you in your job search.
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
Getting disability benefits? We can help you get to work.
If you are getting disability benefits, we have good news for you. Through the Social Security’s Work Incentives Planning and Assistance program (WIPA) we can help you if you are interested in finding employment. Also, we can serve SSI/SSDI beneficiaries if you are working with the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS). Learn more about the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA).
Get Started!
Thank you for your interest in our services! Let us know if we can help.
- Info: 817-759-7967
- Toll-Free: 1-888-617-7171
- Email: jobseeker@ntx.easterseals.com
Veterans Employment Services
If you are a veteran seeking employment and need assistance, please contact our Veterans Employment Navigator, Yolonde Rocio, at 817-759-7915 or yrocio@ntx.easterseals.com.
This program is partially funded through Texas Workforce Commission - Vocational Rehabilitation Services.