Through a series of unfortunate events, Mr. S, an Army veteran, had been homeless and living out of his vehicle for nearly four years. Mr. S. had recently been involved in a car accident that resulted in a substantial injury, and he could no longer live out of his vehicle. Due to his injury, he was temporarily able to move to his sister’s house, but after he recovered, he was asked to stay in a tent in the backyard.
With the assistance of his sister, they began making contact with agencies all across the Willamette Valley but were unable to find anyone who could offer the assistance he needed. One of these agencies mentioned that there was an organization that specifically helped veterans find housing and Mr. S was given the number to Easterseals Oregon's Supportive Services for Veteran Families program. Upon his call to our office, Mr. S. met with case manager, Roy McClain and was enrolled in SSVF on November 30, 2020.
Mr. S was able to submit an application just one month after he was enrolled, and he moved in one month after that. He was able to receive many of the “new to you” items that had recently been donated to our office, including a large leather recliner. He also received a move-in box from the Salem Elks Lodge including dishware, flatware, cookware, and linens.
"I would like to give a big shout out and a huge thank you to the Salem staff of your Easterseals Oregon Veteran organization. I had previously been in contact with other senior services and other veteran agencies, and had zero luck with any of them. My fortunes changed from the first day I made contact with your agency. My case manager, Roy McClain told me from day one that I could expect to be in a home of my own very soon. He and the two April’s (April Read, Housing, and April Carr, new Case Manager who took over my file) worked in perfect unison to make that statement true. In less than three months, April Read found me an apartment in Monmouth. Having been raised in Independence; the place is a perfect fit for me. Then, on top of placing me in my new home, they basically furnished my apartment: a couch, a wonderful recliner, coffee table, dresser, mirror, and a bed.
The caring and supportive attitude of the Easterseals Oregon staff blew me away. I was actually proud to be a veteran for the first time in a long time. So, to the entire Easterseals Oregon Veteran crew, once again, a heartfelt thank you. Keep up the great work you do."
With the collaborative efforts of SSVF Case Management, the Housing Specialist, and community partners we were able to seamlessly place the veteran into permanent housing allowing him to work towards self-sufficiency. Mr. S can now relax and begin to work on the next chapter in his life
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