Hair Cuttery Salons Nationwide Make the First Five Count in April to benefit Easter Seals
Wakefield, RI -- Throughout the month of April, Hair Cuttery’s nearly 900 salons nationwide will conduct an in-store promotion, inviting its customers to Make the First Five Count to support Easter Seals early identification, early intervention and screening services for disabilities like Autism. Customers can also donate to Easter Seals online at www.haircuttery.com. Hair Cuttery will match funds raised in its salons and through its website with a $10,000 donation.
The first five years of life really count. Yet every year, more than a million young children with unidentified delays and disabilities enter school with learning and health issues that put them far behind their peers. That’s why Easter Seals created Make the First Five Count®, to engage parents around the importance of early identification -- because children only receive services when parents follow their instincts and take action early if something doesn’t feel quite right.
Easter Seals is privileged to work with Hair Cuttery, which values its role as a responsible corporate citizen and gives back to the communities in which it does business,” says Judy Fortier, Director of Development at Easter Seals RI. Together, Hair Cuttery and Easter Seals can raise awareness around the need for early identification, early intervention and screening for children during the first five years of life.
Hair Cuttery’s mission to help its associates and clients be the best they can be makes the company a great fit with Easter Seals, and with Hair Cuttery’s support, Easter Seals will continue to help children and adults with disabilities receive important services so they can live, learn, work and play in their communities.
“We at Hair Cuttery are proud to be a part of helping to provide support to help Easter Seals deliver early identification, early intervention and screening services to young children in communities nationwide,” says Dennis Ratner, Founder and CEO of Ratner Companies, parent company of Hair Cuttery. “Our associates are truly ready to Make the First Five Count as many of them have young children and we all know how important the early years are for their continued success in life.”
To locate your nearest Hair Cuttery salon and show your support for Easter Seals, visit www.haircuttery.com.
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