Put Your Best Foot Forward to Raise Money for Children and Young Adults with Disabilities & Special Needs at Easter Seals RI 11th Annual “Walk With Me”
Wakefield, RI -- Round up your friends, lace up your sneakers and mark your calendars for the 11th Annual Walk With Me Rhode Island carnival-infused, family fun walk on Saturday, May 18, 2013, at Goddard Memorial State Park, 1095 Ives Road, in Warwick.
This year’s Walk With Me begins with registration at 9:00 a.m., and the Walk officially starts at 10:00 a.m. rain or shine at Goddard Park. All walkers will be partnered with an Easter Seals Honorary Ambassador—a child with a disability or special need who has benefited from Easter Seals services. There will be something for everyone after you take a stroll in the park at the post walk celebration at 11:00 a.m.
Walk as an individual or form a team and share the experience. Easter Seals provides everything you need to form a successful team at www.walkwithme.org/RhodeIsland. You, your friends and co-workers will feel good knowing the money you raise will put hope and independence within reach for children and young adults with disabilities and special needs.
Many supporters have joined the walk including our national sponsors CVS/pharmacy, Century 21, Amway, Mass Mutual, and local sponsors AC Moore, Dunkin Donuts, Pepsi, Kellogg’s, Pawtucket Red Sox, Raymour and Flanigan, Cabot, Coast 93.3 FM, Southern RI Newspapers, Staples, Subway and Willow Tree Poultry Farm.
“Support from individuals and businesses, as well as our sponsors, is critical to our ability to serve more than 400 children with disabilities and special needs,” said Judy Fortier, Easter Seals RI Director of Development.
The 2013 Walk With Me Rhode Island is also introducing new and exciting ways for you and your team members to stay up-to-date on all things Walk related through social media. Information regarding the Walk can be followed on Facebook at www.facebook.com/WalkWithMeRI, and you can download the Walk With Me app on Facebook and use the fundraising tool to encourage your Facebook friends to support you and Easter Seals Rhode Island!
To learn more about Walk With Me Rhode Island or to register, please visit www.walkwithme.org/RhodeIsland or contact Judy Fortier at 401-284-1000 or jfortier@eastersealsri.org.
About Easter Seals RI
Easter Seals Rhode Island provides exceptional services to ensure that all children and young adults with disabilities or special needs and their families have an equal opportunity to live, learn, work and play in their communities. Last year, Easter Seals Rhode Island served over 400 children and their families through programs and services provided. For more information about Easter Seals Rhode Island, please call 401-284-1000 or visit www.eastersealsri.org.
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