Mews Tavern Gear ‘N’ Beer 6.9K Raises More Than $43,500
Wakefield, RI -- The 16th Annual Mews Tavern Gear 'N' Beer 6.9K road race held on November 22, hosted over 1,500 runners and hundreds of spectators, and raised more than $43,500 for Easter Seals RI.
Following the race everyone gathered for a gigantic post-race celebration, hosted by Mews Tavern, complete with BBQ buffet, 44 kegs of beer, over 50 raffles items, and vendor booths.
Congratulations to the top three runners: Samuel A. of Oneco, CT (21:29), Matt P. of Oneco, CT (21:39), and Brendan B. of Mansfield, MA (23:11, and the top female runner Kaela O. of North Kingstown, RI (25:12).
The Gear 'N' Beer 6.9K sponsored by Denali, UnitedHealthcare, Manic Training South County, Southern RI Newspapers, Gallo | Thomas Insurance, Toray Plastics, and Washington Trust supports Easter Seals RI programs and services.
"We are very fortunate to have the Mews Tavern support our programs and be a true community partner," says Jen Martin, Easter Seals RI Events Manager. "The Gear 'N' Beer road race allows Easter Seals to provide critically needed services to nearly 500 children and young adults with disabilities. We deeply appreciate that the Mews Tavern shares our belief that all kids deserve the chance to learn, build lifelong skills, and get the very best start in life.
Easter Seals RI provides exceptional services to ensure that children and young adults with disabilities or special needs and their families have an equal opportunity to live, learn, work and play in their communities. Last year, Easter Seals RI served nearly 500 children through Early Intervention services and the Outpatient program. For more information about Easter Seals RI, please call 401-284-1000 or visit www.easterseals.com/rhodeisland.
Please visit, www.facebook.com/EasterSealsRI for photos of the event, and don’t forget to save-the-date for the 17th Annual Gear ‘N’ Beer on Sunday, November 20, 2016.
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