What is your child's diagnosis OR greatest area of delay?
Autism spectrum disorder and mixed moderate receptive expressive language delay
How did you find out about Easterseals?
My daughter was referred through BabyNet
What services is your child receiving?
Speech Therapy
How has Easterseals made a difference in your child's life?
Our Speech Therapist, Serena has been working with my daughter since November of 2017, and she is completely dedicated to her job in more ways than one. She is always on time to every session, and she always comes prepared. She goes the extra mile by printing off worksheets that engage small minds and help teach scissor cutting skills, number and letter recognition, and also upcoming holidays. She offers to print worksheets for Erin for us to work on as a family, and also laminates labels and social stories to help teach important topics.
Why should people support Easterseals?
My daughter's speech therapist has been dedicated to her success since day one. Serena is well prepared for each therapy session and my daughter, Erin, eagerly awaits her arrival every Wednesday afternoon. As a parent, it warms my heart to know this organization is available to children in need. I can't imagine the out of pocket expense my fiancé and I would pay for our daughter to receive services through Easterseals. Erin is doing phenomenal with her Speech Therapist! At this time, my family cannot afford to pay the fees owed to our local library, but Erin is still able to read different books thanks to the generosity of Erin's speech therapist.
Please provide us with a quote about what Easterseals means to you and your family.
"Serena helped my daughter learn to share her toys. She spent time making a book for us to read that explained how friends are made through sharing. Sharing has been an obstacle for Erin for a long time, but immediately after I read the social story of sharing to her, she began to share her favorite toys with her little sister. Before if my youngest, Scarlett, woke up from her nap or came into our living room, Erin would put all of her toys up higher where her sister couldn't reach them. It amazes me that a visual interpretation can do so much for a child. Serena helped me learn how to react to certain situations I face as a parent. Sharing is a crucial lesson for all children to learn, and thanks to the role Serena plays as Erin's speech therapist, the impossible becomes possible."