Joseph was born in November 2016 and joined the Easterseals SC family in January 2017. Joseph was born with a rare genetic disorder called Cri du Chat. The name is a French term (cat-cry or call of the cat) referring to the characteristic cat-like cry of affected children. The condition affects an estimated 1 in 50,000 live births across all ethnicities and is most common in females.
This was unexpected news as Jennifer’s first trimester screening showed no indication her baby may have special needs. Doctors were not quick to discuss their concerns at birth with his parents until further tests revealed a formal diagnosis.
After the family went to BabyNet, Joseph was automatically eligible for Early Intervention because of his Cri du Chat diagnosis. Mom, Jennifer was given a list of agencies to call about Early Intervention services. After a couple phone calls to other providers, Jennifer says she quickly chose Easterseals SC because her conversation with the supervisor was “comforting, supportive and of all things, enthusiastic”. Jennifer could tell Easterseals SC was very capable and willing to provide exceptional services to her family and they could guide them along this journey with Joseph.
Today, mom and dad are so encouraged by Joseph’s weekly milestones. He is able to grab his feet and he is rolling over by himself. He is kicking both legs and reaching for items. Joseph has now started eating pureed foods and he recently started to laugh. Mom states the hardest challenge has been the numerous doctor appointments and the feeding schedule of a newborn. Jennifer says the routines are finally getting easier through Easterseals SC support and educated team members. Joseph is an absolute joy to be with and his big brother continues to be a great helper and teacher.
Jennifer would like other parents to know that having a caring Early Interventionist helps “to keep her sane”. Jennifer stated her EI, Diana Miller “has provided great moral support and she assures me when I get worried about Joseph’s development. Easterseals SC is our family’s cheerleader”. Mom and dad are comforted to know that Easterseals SC will be here to shine the light on their path as Joseph teaches us as a family and a community.