Ryeleigh's Story

How did you discover that your child had special needs?
During an ultrasound, the technician was looking at her and thought she noticed something, but it was hard for her to tell because Ryeleigh’s face never fully turned for us to see, so we were only able to see a side view. She mentioned that she may have cleft lip but couldn’t tell for sure. It was so overwhelming because I was already about 6 months along and had also just found out I was pregnant! So it was a lot of information at that first ultrasound! We immediately started researching to learn more. After we saw her for the first time though, we felt relief! We knew it was going to be ok.
How did you learn about Easterseals Early Intervention?
We learned about Easterseals after our initial BabyNet appointment. Easterseals was one of the providers listed and we started looking up the websites of different agencies and loved that we were able to see the pictures of the EI’s that served the Greenville area!
How do you feel your child is doing now in comparison to when they first started their Early Intervention journey? What are they able to do now that they were not able to do before?
Ryeleigh started with EI when she was 3 months old and is now 13 months and has progressed so much and early intervention has helped us keep an eye on her development. They are working to help her meet her milestones and it’s nice to have an EI to help make sure she is constantly moving forward and not regressing. Ryeleigh had her palate repair surgery in March 2019 and with the help of speech/feeding therapy, she is starting to use her tongue to move food around in her mouth more and is making progress drinking from a sippy cup. She has also started walking consistently in the last month and is starting to babble more and more!
What kinds of support have been most helpful to you and why? (family, support groups, Early Interventionist,therapists,etc)
Ryeleigh is followed by a village! She has EI, therapies like ST and OT, and we also get a lot of help and resources from the FACET clinic. She has a great group of doctors/specialists in the Greenville Health System as well! I have been so impressed with how easy the system has made this process! From starting with Babynet to where we are now, they make it as stress free as possible!
Photos: In her photo you can see Ryeleigh after she was born, with her family and you can also see her dancing to Baby Shark and clapping along with the song!