Southern California Wildfire Resources

Rosalind's Successful Journey to Independence

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Adult Day Services (ADS) client Rosalind's independent spirit was evident from the first day she started with Easterseals in National City in September 2016. She immediately made her needs and goals known to her Life Skills Coach, who was happy to support her on her journey to greater independence.

"The first day I met Roz I knew I had to think outside the box, because she had the desire to be independent, be helpful in the community and I knew she had a lot of potential," explained Life Skills Coach Lucia Coronado. "Her pathway to success involved a committed support system made up of her parents, friends, and most recently our program. We began by working on her fear of riding public transportation alone."

Lucia and the participants in Rosalind's group accompanied her from her home to the ADS site on the bus and the train so she could learn the routes and become more comfortable riding alone. She soon became confident enough to not only travel to the ADS site on her own, but also to take public transportation to college.

Soon conversations about college life lead Rosalind to research classes she was interested in at the local community college, and she went on to pass her first two semesters of classes with flying colors.

As an animal lover, Rosalind decided she wanted to volunteer at the San Diego Zoo and the Living Coast Discovery Center, where people learn about marine and bird life. The staff at the San Diego Zoo was so impressed with Rosalind, they asked if she could volunteer with them an additional day each week, and Rosalind was happy to oblige. She now volunteers at the zoo as a guide two days a week.

Congratulations to Rosalind for all she has accomplished with the support of Easterseals Adult Day Services!  Learn more about adult services here.

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