Southern California Wildfire Resources

Individuals from Easterseals Adult Day Services Enroll in College

Four students attending Cerritos college adapated courses

What started as a way to help one person from Easterseals Adult Day Services (ADS) in Cerritos reach his goal to attend college, has quickly turned into a transformative partnership that is impacting many people.

Earlier this year, Easterseals Life Skills Coach Marc Vida discovered an Adapted Teams Sports course at Cerritos College that he thought would be a perfect fit for Ryan, an individual using Easterseals services who wanted to work on his physical fitness. Due to low enrollment, however, the college told Marc the class wouldn’t happen unless additional students enrolled. Marc quickly got to work recruiting more people from Easterseals ADS in Cerritos.

“I was initially just thinking about the course for Ryan, but later I found out that more people had similar physical wellness goals,” said Marc. “So it just sort of expanded from there.”

During the 2023 fall semester, three people from Easterseals enrolled at Cerritos College. With the support of Easterseals, the students took public transportation several times each week to their Adapted Team Sports basketball class. The class helped them develop their fitness goals while creating opportunities for friendship and building greater community.

“This was a totally new experience for them, and the best thing was to see the first time that they got their student ID card; you could see the pride in their faces,” said Marc. “They were starting a new chapter in their lives as college students.”

Ryan, who enrolled in the course this past fall, added, “I enjoy the class because it helps me to improve my exercise routine and to lose weight.”

After a successful first semester, even more people have decided to enroll in spring and summer courses. A total of 12 Easterseals individuals are currently enrolled for the spring semester in classes like Adapted Team Sports, Adapted Strength Training, and Introduction to Adaptive Dance. 

“Participation in the Adapted Team Sports class at Cerritos College was so much fun for everyone,” said Marc. “We’re all excited to continue on, and I am so grateful for the unparalleled support shown by Easterseals leadership.”

Easterseals participants standing together in the Cerritos College basketball gym. New Cerritos College Students from Easterseals Adult Day Services (ADS) Cerritos, with Life Skills Coaches Ruby Javonillo and Marc Vida.


In a joint statement, Cerritos College’s Adapted Physical Education Coordinator Jennifer O'Connor and Dance Department Co-Chairs Christine Gregory and Rebekah Hathaway said, “The Cerritos College Adapted Physical Education Program and the Dance Department are thrilled to have Easterseals join our programs. Together, we are committed to offer classes for all ability levels. It has been a great collaboration and we are looking forward to Spring Classes!”

With more individuals expressing interest in enrolling at Cerritos College, Easterseals Southern California looks forward to supporting their physical fitness goals. 

Learn more about Easterseals Adult Day Services.

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