Southern California Wildfire Resources

Anze and Abraham are Prepared for Elementary School Thanks to Easterseals Children’s Services

The photo shows mother, Illya, and her two sons Abraham and Anze in an embrace

Finding safe, reliable childcare for her oldest son had initially made Illya feel hopeless. Between the steep fees and long waiting lists, nearby options felt out of reach. It wasn’t until she was introduced to Easterseals’s Child Development Center that she realized there was an affordable, trustworthy option close to home.  

“My oldest son, Anze, was able to start at Easterseals when he was three, and it was great that he was able to take advantage of the program right away,” Illya shared. 

Her second son, Abraham, joined his brother when he was old enough to enroll. As her children progressed within the program, Easterseals was there, ready to provide the services and support their family needed.  

“Initially, Abraham and Anze were shy,” shared early childhood educator Breanna, a teacher at Easterseals. “Abraham struggled to participate in large groups while Anze had a difficult time expressing his emotions. This made it difficult for them to concentrate on learning and having fun.” 

From child care to speech therapy, the team at Easterseals worked alongside Illya to assist her family in the ways they needed it most.  

“Easterseals was a blessing,” Illya added. “When our family was struggling financially, when we really had no support, Easterseals was there.”  

Anze and Abraham, six and five respectively, now attend elementary school. Illya and her family feel prepared and ready to take on the new school year because of the sturdy foundation built in Easterseals’s Child Services program.  

“During their time in our program, we implemented different strategies to help them succeed and had the privilege of watching them bloom into confident, engaged kids,” Breanna added. “Abraham overcame his shyness and Anze was able to communicate his emotions and as a result, both of them could better focus on their learning.” 

When it comes to Easterseals Child Development Center, Illya has found that she’s not the only fan of the program. Her children love it, too.  

“I really liked Easterseals,” Her son, Abraham, shared. “I really liked the activities, and I really liked my teacher.”  

Learn more about Easterseal’s Child Development Centers, and apply for a space today!

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