Southern California Wildfire Resources

Workfirst Employers

What can Easterseals WorkFirst Employment Service do for your business?

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We are a workforce development company working with people with disabilities. We meet with businesses to learn about their workforce needs and we match an individual with a job that fits their interests. This process benefits both parties, a competent employee for the business and a great job for the individual.

When you hire the individual we work with the benefits to your company are many:

  • Individuals are pre-screened to ensure they are qualified and a good match for your company.
  • You can create stability in positions that typically have high turnover.
  • Your business will run more efficiently as employees focus on the essential tasks for their positions.
  • Your customers will have a positive view of your commitment to hiring people with disabilities.

When you hire though WorkFirst we provide:


Job Support – Your new employee will be supported to learn job tasks, safety rules, procedures, and any other job functions.
Future Employees – Contact WorkFirst when you have open positions. We can help you find the person best suited to fill them. 
Employee Training – As leading experts and advocates for people with disabilities, we are available to conduct training or seminars with all of your employees.

Myths & the Real Facts for Employers

Myth 1: Hiring employees with disabilities increases workers compensation insurance rates.

  • Fact: Insurance rates are based solely on the relative hazards of the operation and the organization’s accident experience, not on whether workers have disabilities.

Myth 2: Providing accommodations for people with disabilities is expensive.

  • Fact: The majority of workers with disabilities do not need accommodations to perform their jobs, and for those who do, the cost is usually minimal. In fact, two-thirds of accommodations cost less than $500, with many costing nothing at all1. And available tax incentives make it even easier for businesses to cover accessibility costs.

Job¹ Accommodation Network (JAN), a service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy

Myth 3: The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) forces employers to hire unqualified individuals with disabilities.

  • Fact: Unqualified candidates are not protected under the ADA. To be protected from discrimination in hiring, an individual must first meet all requirements for a job and be able to perform its essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations.

Myth 4: Employees with disabilities have a higher absentee rate than employees without disabilities.

  • Fact: Studies by firms such as DuPont show that employees with disabilities are not absent any more than employees without disabilities.

Myth 5: Under the ADA, an employer cannot terminate an employee who has a disability.

  • Fact: Employers can terminate workers with disabilities under three conditions:
  • The termination is unrelated to the disability or
  • The employee does not meet legitimate requirements for the job, such as performance or production standards, with or without a reasonable accommodation or
  • Because of the employee’s disability, they pose a direct threat to health or safety in the workplace.
(Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy)

The Business Case

Hiring a qualified person with a disability brings greater benefits beyond just filling an open job. There’s a solid business case, too.

Reason 1: Return on Investment

Businesses that employ individuals with diverse abilities tap into talent different pools and enhance their workforce. These opportunities translate into lower costs, higher revenues, and increased profits.


  • Access new markets.
  • Improve productivity through innovative and effective ways of doing business.


  • Reduce hiring and training costs.
  • Increase retention.
  • Reduce costs associated with conflict and litigation.


  • Capitalize on opportunities to meet business goals.

Reason 2: Marketing

Customers with disabilities and their families, friends and associates represent a trillion dollar market segment. They, like other market segments, purchase products and services from companies that best meet their needs. A large number of Americans also say they prefer to patronize businesses that hire people with disabilities. Increase your opportunity to gain a lasting customer base.


  • Mirror the market to attract a wider customer base.
  • Increase your market share.


  • Respond to marketplace needs.
  • Lead your market.
  • Increase profitability.

Reason 3: Innovation

Innovation is key to your business’ success. Employees with disabilities bring unique experiences and understanding that transform a workplace and enhance products and services. As part of your team, employees with disabilities help build your business and can lead your company into the future.


  • Create more efficient and effective business processes.
  • Develop and implement management strategies to attract and retain qualified talent.
  • Use technology in new ways to increase productivity.


  • Stimulate new product and service development through disability-inclusive diverse teams.
  • Customize products and services to increase profitability.


  • Foster the development of next-generation products and services.
(Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of
Disability Employment Policy)
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