Azir has always been such a timid student; he is very quiet and selective with the people he chooses to be open with. With Ms. Saori’s music therapy class, Azir lights up. He begins smiling the minute Ms. Saori walks into the classroom. Azir is attentive and engaged throughout the whole session. He spends the entire session laughing and smiling. He eagerly waits to participate with the fun music manipulatives and books she brings. Azir shows great enjoyment and takes great pride in exploring the instruments.
Since her sessions began, I have seen him more social with his classmates and exploring musical instruments more consistently. Although he started as timid student, Azir has been coming out of his comfort zone more and more daily. He looks forward to the sessions. Normally Azir speaks in a very soft tone and now has been speaking out more confidently. The sessions from Ms. Saori have really improved his abilities to speak up, socialize more, and gain confidence to put himself out there. He usually avoids being in the spotlight, he is now proudly pl aying the instrument s in front of his classmates and teachers as he smiles.