Once upon a time, Phoenix and his mom were going through a very rough patch. After the divorce, they lost their home, became homeless and lived at a homeless shelter. Phoenix was also just beginning school right on the heels of the pandemic. It was a challenging time. Through faith they persevered and received some wonderful guidance and support from Easterseals South Florida. The caring staff helped the family coordinate attending job fairs and food fairs. They also helped provide emotional support. Since their time with Easterseals Phoenix’s mom was able to secure an amazing job. She received some assistance so they could move into a new home. They even got a new puppy for Phoenix! They turned their lives around and remain so grateful for all the support. Phoenix’s mom was thrilled to be recommended as the new president of the PTA at our Culmer Head Start. It made her feel accomplished as a parent going through adversities and overcoming them.