Physical Therapy
Our pediatric physical therapy services help children who have movement challenges participate in their home and community settings. Easter Seals pediatric physical therapists are movement specialists who help children in the following areas:
- Range of Motion
- Pain
- Gross Motor Skills and Development
- Strength and Endurance
- Coordination and Balance
- Postural Control
- Mobility (e.g. crawling or walking with or without a specialize device)
- Equipment Needs (including recommendations and maintenance)
Easter Seals’ physical therapists use a variety of different methods to help children improve their motor skills including st rengthening, stretching, exercise through play, treadmill training for walking, and aquatic activities in a therapeutic warm water pool. Our physical therapists partner with caregivers to create meaningful achievable goals and home activities that empower families to help their children achieve their highest level of independence for participation in their home and communities.