What does Easter Seals do?
Easter Seals Superior California primarily provides rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. In addition to programs that include traditional forms of therapy services we have programs that offer support services for clients and their families, education programs for community members, work training programs and equipment loan programs.
Who do you serve?
Easter Seals serves infants, children and adults with disabilities through a variety of programs and services. Learn more about the programs and services Easter Seals Superior California offers.
Do you only serve people in low-income groups?
No, Easter Seals programs and services are available to people of all different income levels. In some cases, our programs may focus on providing assistance to specific income groups, but programs are always available to any person meeting the client criteria
Are you a Christian charity?
No, Easter Seals Superior California is not affiliated with any religious organization.
What areas do you serve?
Easter Seals Superior California serves the counties of Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba.
Are you all volunteers?
No, because of the types of services that Easter Seals offers many of our positions are filled by highly educated professional staff. Volunteers work for Easter Seals in a number of ways including program assistance, special events, and administrative support. To read about job opportunities, click here!
Is Easter Seals a national organization?
Yes, Easter Seals Superior California is one of 132 Easter Seals affiliates servicing the United States and Puerto Rico. Easter Seals, Inc. serves a combined total of more than one million people each year. Learn more about Easter Seals National.
How are you funded?
Easter Seals receives funding in a number of different ways. Those sources include federal, state and local governments, corporate and individual donors, foundations, and work contracts. Read our Annual report for more financial information.