Supported Employment provides assistance to people with disabilities including individualized job development and specialized job training. Supported Employment services provide our members the opportunity to earn living wages and other employment benefits, develop new skills, increase community participation, and increase self-esteem, empowerment and quality of life. Through this programming Easterseals TN increases the opportunities of acceptance, participation and inclusion for individuals with disabilities. Our customized employment has gained jobs for our special population that includes work at local businesses, such as restaurants and hardware stores. In addition, Easterseals Tennessee offers jobs through:
Easterseals Tennessee (ESTN) subcontracts with the Community Rehabilitation Agencies of Tennessee (CMRA) to provide janitorial services at state and military locations in Nashville. ESTN also operates rest areas in Benton, Dickson, Grundy and Marion Counties on behalf of the Tennessee Department of Transportation through subcontracts with the CMRA.
These maintenance and rest area contracts allow us to further our mission of providing jobs for individuals with disabilities, as at least 51% of the employees working these contracts have a disability.
As a provider of the State of Tennessee-ECF CHOICES program, Easterseals Tennessee has a greater opportunity to serve those living with special needs in acquiring and placing them in jobs.
In addition, ESTN helps find a job that is a good fit for each individual person. Easterseals Tennessee provides job coaches to guide them and teach them "on the job training" so they can learn their job duties and responsibilities. Additionally, our members are given the opportunity to earn living wages that include employment benefits.