Read Mr. Henry Long's story, about the importance of helping Easterseals touch the lives of individuals and families in the community facing disability, the way that it helped his own family.
Your generosity has the power to change the way the world defines and views disabilities.
Planned gifts have helped Easterseals become the organization it is today. You can provide individuals with disabilities opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities beyond your lifetime by including Easterseals of Greater Waterbury in your estate plans.
The Legacy Society honors individuals who have included Easterseals in their will, trust or other estate plans and have notified us of their intentions. As a member of the Legacy Society, your generosity will have a significant impact and support Easterseals of Greater Waterbury’s mission for generations to come. Sharing your plans with us allows us to recognize you during your lifetime and inspires others to think about their legacy and support Easterseals in similar ways.
If you are considering a gift to Easterseals of Greater Waterbury in your estate plan, we encourage you to contact Seth Duke at or call 203-754-5141 ext. 243 to discuss your plans.
If you have already included Easterseals in your plans, it would be our honor to personally thank you and welcome you into the Legacy Society. For more information, please contact our Development team, Seth Duke at
Sample Bequest Language
To help with your estate planning, here are the most common kinds of bequests with sample language for naming Easterseals of Greater Waterbury as a beneficiary. You may also change your beneficiaries at any time, should your circumstances change.
Residual Bequest
This is a popular choice for charitable bequests because it ensures that loved ones receive their distribution before any distribution to charity.
"I devise the residue of my estate, after the satisfaction of all specific bequests and the payment of all taxes and other costs attending my death, to Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center of Greater Waterbury, Inc. a not-for-profit organization, Tax ID# 06-0737391, with principal offices currently located at 22 Tompkins Street, Waterbury, CT 06708."
General/Fixed Dollar Bequest
A stated sum of money, usually cash, to a beneficiary.
"I bequeath the sum of $____ dollars to Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center of Greater Waterbury, Inc., a not-for-profit-organization, Tax ID# 06-0737391, with principal offices currently located at 22 Tompkins Street, Waterbury, CT 06708."
Percentage Bequest
Enables your bequest to grow as your assets grow.
"I bequeath to Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center of Greater Waterbury, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, Tax ID# 06-0737391, with principal offices currently located at 22 Tompkins Street, Waterbury, CT 06708 an amount equal to ______ percent of the net value of my estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes."
Contingent Bequest
Assumes you want to leave your entire estate to family and friends. However, in the event that you outlive any of your beneficiaries, it provides an opportunity to designate Easterseals of Greater Waterbury to receive that portion of the estate.
"In the event that (name of the beneficiary) does not survive me, I designate Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center of Greater Waterbury, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, Tax ID# 06-0737391, with principal offices currently located at 22 Tompkins Street, Waterbury, CT 06708 as the devisee of this bequest of (see above for language specific to different types of bequests.)"
Legal Name: Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center of Greater Waterbury, Inc.
Address: 22 Tompkins Street, Waterbury, CT 06708
Federal Tax ID Number: 06-0737391
Thank you for considering leaving a legacy gift to Easterseals of Greater Waterbury.
For more information about ways to give to please contact the Director of Development, Seth Duke at 203-754-5141 ext. 243 or email
Disclaimer: The information on this planned giving site is intended to assist you in your charitable planning. It is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please consult with your attorney or other advisor for professional advice to discuss how this information can benefit you as you consider your financial and philanthropic goals.