A yearly functional vision assessment is offered to each student in the Easterseals Western PA Linda Lanham Zeszutek School Program. The assessment is completed by a Low Vision Optometrist who specializes in consultation to special education programs. Families are invited to participate in person or to be available by phone, if possible.
The assessment addresses each student’s functional vision and how it affects the student’s ability to learn in the educational setting. The optometrist assists our staff in the development of appropriate individual and classroom therapeutic activities and strategies that will help the student to participate in the current educational program.
In addition, if an Easterseals Linda Lanham Zeszutek School Program student is identified as having more significant vision needs, Easterseals requests a review for a need of special vision services through the student's IU or home school district. The IU or school district determines if a need exists and if so, they will arrange for and provide vision support services. The Easterseals team collaborates with vision services to incorporate their recommendations and solutions throughout the school environment.
If an Easterseals Linda Lanham Zeszutek School Program student is identified as having hearing loss, Easterseals requests a review for a need of special hearing services through the Intermediate Unit (IU) or student’s home school district. The IU or school district determines if a need exists for special hearing services and arranges for assistive devices or other solutions. Once recommendations are provided, the Easterseals team collaborates to incorporate those solutions throughout the school environment.