Supported Employment and Your Business Needs
Employment provides the opportunity to participate as a member of a community. Easter Seals job training and employment services help people with disabilities learn skills to successfully enter the workforce, or to return to work after an illness or injury. Not only do employees benefit from the satisfaction of having a job, but businesses also gain from their contributions.
Employment Connections is a full service employment program. Our services provide employment consultants who screen individuals with a diverse range of abilities to best match their skills to employment needs. Supported Employment Supported employment provides assistance to people with disabilities. Assistance provided includes individualized job development, specialized job training and/or support, and the availability of support or retraining as long as the support employee maintains his/her job. Supported employment services provide the person with disabilities an opportunity to earn living wages and other employment benefits, development of new skills, increased community participation, enhanced self-esteem, increased consumer empowerment and quality of life.
Who Benefits from Supported Employment?
Persons who, due to the severity of their disabilities, never have been able to attain or maintain long-term employment. Communities benefit from having the opportunity to interact and to see the abilities of persons whom previously might have been viewed as "dis"abled. Businesses report not only satisfaction with the work performance of employees with disabilities, but a higher morale among other co-workers and supervisors who interact with support employees.
What are the beliefs that drive supported employment service provision?
Regardless of severity of disability, any person who desires to work can work. The job seeker is limited only by his or her community's level of knowledge or resources, not by the disability itself. Person-centered planning strategies develop roots for the growth, development, and successful outcome of the supported employment process. Job seeker's ideals of a perfect job match must guide the job development process. Individualized services offer the job seeker a much greater degree of input throughout the process and a higher possibility of job satisfaction and on-going success. Physical, social, and cultural integration at the job site facilitate supported employee job satisfaction and societal education. On going support and career planning promote stability and future success for the supported employee.
Employment Connections offers: Person-centers planning, Job development, Job analysis, Job matching, Placement, Sytematic training and/or support, Systematic fading & Follow-up services for the duration of employment. Call Employment Connections @ 270.443.1200