For Immediate Release
Giving Our Graduates the Red Carpet Treatment
September 28, 2021
Our Safe Babies Healthy Families (SBHF) program had a wonderful celebration in July for the 15 children and their families that graduate our program. These children successfully completed our program, and they are off to 4K/kindergarten. We had an amazing group of volunteers that helped provide a meal, individualized graduation cakes, and a backpack filled with school supplies. The event the team put on was extremely special. The children walked across a red carpet, received a medal and their backpack, all while being cheered on by the all families as they take the next step.
Our SBHF team will tell you it has been a pleasure watching these children grow and they feel grateful for playing a large part in supporting the entire family for so many years. We are so proud of the services our team provide to the families, and equally as proud of the families and their commitment to the program and even more importantly to their children.

Here are some of the other successes our team is having with families they are currently working with:
- A mom that was very depressed and super isolated, has finally agreed to therapy, after many discussions with her case manager.
- A one year old, who had failure to thrive and medical concerns, is now 13 pounds, and is continuing to gain weight and is getting stronger each day. Also, this mom just got her own apartment and is thriving in her own space and independence.
- A 22-year-old mom was able to buy her own condo. She had been going to school, working hard, and had invested some money to make this goal happen.
- A teenage mom we are working with graduated high school and has been accepted into a writing program for college.
- A mom was connected with SBHF to help provide help with childcare and transportation so she could find a job, and she is now a CNA. Also, dad, who was extremely unhealthy for mom and baby, is now out of the picture. He was abusive, in a gang and selling drugs. Mom is very excited about having a fresh start.
- Another mom who wanted to have an at home birth, had a very successful one. She was able to have a natural childbirth, with the support of a doula and midwife. The case manager had been able to connect the mom with the doula.
- Another mom graduated with her associate degree and just bought a house.
- A mom passed her citizenship test and is now a US citizen.
- A case manager shared that when doing a postpartum depression screen, they realized how depressed mom was, and used it as a great conversation with mom and mom is looking at starting therapy.
- One of our case managers, started a community garden. She was able to get it sponsored by an anonymous donor. It is very successful for the first year doing it. We have 6 families using it, and the kids have a blast running around looking for frogs, bugs, watering the plants and playing with mud.