Kavi was born with what doctors thought was low muscle tone. He spent his first five days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit while they tried to find a cause. Over the next 11 months, he was seen by numerous specialists to find an answer as to why he was so weak and not hitting any developmental milestones. One month prior to Kavi’s first birthday, he was diagnosed with X-related Myotubal Myopathy, a rare muscular disorder. The prognosis that he would never walk, talk or even be able to eat, and that the disorder could be fatal was terrifying and saddening to Kavi’s parents, Kate and LaShun. However, knowing that Easter Seals was involved gave them hope.
Kavi started receiving therapy from Easter Seals when he was four-months-old. Today, at age two, he continues his therapy services and attends Easter Seals Birth-to-Three classroom sessions with other children, two mornings a week. He is currently at an age-appropriate level in speech, the classroom has given him the opportunity to grow socially with other children his age, and he’s even walking with minimal assistance. Kate and LaShun, Kavi’s parents think of Easter Seals as Kavi’s “secret weapon!”
“We had people coming into our house three days a week for therapy, but it never felt like strangers were there,” LaShun, Kavi’s dad, said. “They made it clear right away that we were ALL part of the team that would help Kavi, and they always included Lola, his sister, in play with them.”
“His therapists and teachers go beyond how the medical world defines Kavi; they have gotten to know his spirit,” Kate, Kavi’s mom, said. “Kavi’s life will never be easy, but he has had such an awesome team to not only show him, but to show his entire family his potential. No matter what the doctors say he won’t be able to do, he shows them he CAN with the right support. The support that Easter Seals gives him and our family is a gift, and anyone lucky enough to receive that is truly blessed.”