October 7, 2022
Silver Spring, MD — When Danny began having seizures at 4½ months, the doctors diagnosed him with a brain anomaly known as lissencephaly. They told his parents that Danny would never walk or talk, and may never smile or recognize them. Heartbroken, the Scully-DeBatt family vowed to give their son a normal and happy life for as long as he was with them. But Danny required a high level of care and both parents work full time.
That’s when they enrolled Danny in an Easterseals Child Development Center. Six years later, he is a thriving 7-year-old at a DC public school. How did Easterseals help Danny and his family make that amazing journey?
Come meet the Scully-DeBatts, one of two Ambassador Families, at Walk With Me, the inaugural community walk to support Easterseals DC MD VA on October 22, 2022, at the National Harbor Waterfront Plaza.
Participants will also meet the Grants, whose oldest son has autism and needs daily therapies. Dad was a single parent of three, a firefighter and medic, and served in the National Guard during the pandemic. Many of his son’s therapies stopped or were offered only virtually, causing him to have frequent meltdowns and regress.
What really helped the Grants make it through was spending relaxed time together with the help of Easterseals Respite Services. During the pandemic, the Grants received monthly Family Kits from Easterseals, each filled with an activity they could enjoy together, like decorating cookies or painting a bird house. While many challenges remain, Dad is proud to share all that his family has accomplished with Easterseals’ support.
Hear the Scully-DeBatt and Grant families’ full stories at Walk With Me. The day will include entertainment, fun, and of course, our inaugural walk and will be fully accessible. The walk will start at 10:00 am, rain or shine. More information at
Easterseals DC MD VA – Easterseals is leading the way to full equity, inclusion, and access through direct and life-changing disability and community services. Since 1945, Easterseals DC MD VA has worked tirelessly to enhance quality of life and expand access to healthcare, education, and employment. And we won’t rest until each one of us is valued, respected, and accepted. Join us:
Contact: Lauren Poon, Manager of Communications & Marketing,