How does HVRP help veterans find employment?
We take a comprehensive approach to preparing veterans for employment with job search support, resume review, interview prep, and more – including addressing any barriers to employment. HVRP may even pay for job-related training, certifications, transportation, and work clothes to get you started. We partner with employers in various industries that are actively looking to hire qualified veterans. Once hired, we support you in a smooth transition to your new job!
Does HVRP provide housing?
Not directly. We are connected with partners that can assist with housing, while HVRP provides employment support.
How does HVRP define “homeless" and "at risk of homelessness"?
HVRP uses a broad definition for a variety of circumstances. Eligibility includes:
- Lack of shelter within the last 60 days
- Transitional housing
- Risk of losing housing or eviction within 21 days
- Enrollment in HUD-VASH or SSVF
- Living in a hotel
- Living with friends or family because of economic hardship
- Transitioning from incarceration
- Fleeing domestic violence
What is required to prove veteran status?
- Proof of U.S. Military Veteran status with a DD214. HVRP can help you obtain a copy of your DD214 from the VA.
- Completed at least 1 day of active-duty service
- Any discharge status other than dishonorable
What if I currently have a job?
You are eligible if you are unemployed or underemployed. You must be willing to actively search for a new job.
Do veterans enrolled in other government programs qualify?
Yes! We can assist veterans who are enrolled in other programs such as CWT, SNAP, and AJC. As long as you are not enrolled in another HVRP program, you are eligible.
How does a veteran get started with HVRP?
Provided a veteran meets our eligibility requirements, there is a brief enrollment process with some required paperwork. After you are enrolled, we are with you from start to finish in your journey to find and maintain employment.
Do I have to come to your office in Silver Spring?
No, we will come to you. We serve DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland (except the Eastern Shore).
Contact Us
If you are a veteran or service provider inquiring on behalf of a veteran, please Get in Touch with Us with questions.
Easterseals DC MD VA’s Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program is 100 percent funded by the U.S. Department of Labor through awards totaling $1,000,000.