Individual Placement and Support/Supported Employment (IPS) helps employers solve common workplace problems including the need for a more diverse workforce, less turnover, conflict resolution and improved communication. Our vocational program assists job applicants with job-related needs such as career preparation, job coaching and general support.
If you want to work and you get services at Easterseals Michigan through Oakland Community Health Network.
What about my benefits?
If you are concerned about losing your benefits, a qualified benefits coordinator can provide individualized information.
Will they help me find a job that I'd like?
Yes, they will help you find the job that you want that also matches your skills, interests, and abilities.
When does the job search start?
After beginning the program, the job search starts within the first 30 days.
What about talking to employers?
If you would like, an Employment Specialist can talk to employers on your behalf.
What happens after I get a job?
They will help you adjust to the new job or even help you find a different job if you are unsatisfied with the current one.
Interested? Talk to your Case Manager or any member of your treatment team today!
• On site job support
• Follow along supports to insure job retention
• Saving you money and time spent on advertising, hiring and training
• Helping you find and keep productive employees
• Matching qualified job seekers to meet your employment needs
• Maximizing employer satisfaction and increasing productivity
• Work Opportunity Tax Credit
• Helping to diversify your workforce
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) provides a tax credit for employers who hire targeted, low-income groups.