In the next decade, over 71 million Americans will be 65 years of age and older. With the increasing numbers of older persons and persons with lifelong disabilities living longer, we will see a broader demand for home and community-based services. These services will help manage activities of daily living that may be limited as a result of acute or chronic conditions, and will keep people integrated in their communities.
Easter Seals programs such as adult day services, in-home support and services, long term care ombudsman services, and support for family caregivers help people live as independently as possible for as long as possible. The Easter Seals family of services is ever expanding to meet the needs and help promote wellness, independence and connectivity among the growing number of older Americans.
Are you a caregiver?
Easter Seals is changing the conversation about caregiving by raising awareness and interest around what has become the "new normal" for nearly 1.7 million Ohioans. The Many Faces of Caregiving Study releaseed by National Easter Seals through the support of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (Mass Mutual) showed one-third of the country's younger generations - Millennial and GenX - already identify themselves as caregivers.
Because Ohioans are living longer today, the face of caregivers is changing. More of us are taking on this enormous respnsibility at much younger ages. Not only is the face of caregiving changing, but also the responsibilities and type of care provided, and most of us aren't ready. Family and friends provide about 80 percent of all care for older individuals with an estimated economic value worth nearly $17.5 billion.
"Supporting caregivers is at the core of everything Easter Seals is about", says Pandora Shaw-Dupras, CEO, Easter Seals Central and Southeast Ohio. "As Ohioan's continue to age, Easter Seals will be here with expertise and resources for caregivers and families." About one in seven Ohio residents is 65 or older; by 2030 that will increase to nearly one in four. Today, approximately 70 percent of Ohioans fifty and over are able to remain at home because of caregiver's assistance. Clearly, the need and demand for caregivers is only growing.
Easter Seals Central and Southeast Ohio provides a wide array of Community Based Services caring for families across the lifespan. From early intervention to In-Home Care and Adult Day Services, Easter Seals goes beyond providing services directly to people with special needs. We are committed to providing support and counsel to caregivers letting them know they aren't alone in this challenging and rewarding journey.
To learn more about caregiving in Ohio with Easter Seals, watch the video. To see the results of the Many Faces of Caregiving Study, click here.